The difference between Safe Step Stairs and others is in the ease of opening and closing along with the quick, safe and easy access to your attic space. The Safe Step Stair design is solid under your feet, uses no power and has no electrical parts prone to failure. There are no other stairs on the market like Safe Step Stairs. The only true set of solid stringer stairs that retract to your ceiling.
Safe Step Stairs open and close easily and can be opened with a light pull on rope and close easily with one hand.
Safe Step Stairs are also available configured to meet Class A fire rating code requirements. No other attic stairs are available that meet Class A fire requirements.
Many of our customers have expressed the need to gain access to the storage space above the garage but are not comfortable trying to navigate the pull-down ladder stairs that are currently available. To address the need for safe and comfortable attic access, Tri Line Services spent 18 months designing and developing a different, and much improved way to access the attic area above your garage. Our exclusive Safe Step Stair (Patent Pending) system is a full set of actual stairs that retract up into your garage ceiling. The stairs open and close easily and can be climbed by most people hands free, just like walking up a regular set of stairs. Handrails are included for your comfort and safety.